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并与常规螺纹脂进行对比;利用盐雾试验机 对涂层进行耐盐雾腐蚀测试;将纳米铜固体润滑涂料涂覆于6061铝板螺纹表面,6061铝板特殊螺纹6061铝板接头纳米铜干式涂层的制备及性能研究2015 年 12 月 第 40 卷 第 12 期 LUBRICATION ENGINEERING 润滑与密封 Vol 40 No 12 Dec. 2015 DOI:10 3969 j issn 0254-0150 2015 12 017 特殊螺纹6061铝板接头纳米铜干式涂层的制备及性能研究 西安科技大学材料科学与工程学院 ?陕西西安 710054;2 天津钢管集团股份有限公司?天津 300301)用摩擦试验机研究室温下不同环氧树脂添加量的纳米铜涂层的摩擦性能。进行上卸扣试验?结果表明:环氧树脂质 量分数为 40% 纳米铜固体润滑涂层减摩性能和耐盐雾腐蚀性能等综合性能最佳,且涂层的摩擦性能优于螺纹脂;纳 米铜干式涂层接头进行 10 次上卸扣试验后未发生黏扣现象,因此纳米铜干式涂层具有代替现有螺纹脂的潜力?关键词:纳米铜;油6061铝板;干式涂层;摩擦性能;黏扣 中图分类号:
12-090-05 摘要:以添加少量 PTFE 纳米颗粒的纳米铜为基体,以环氧树脂为黏结剂,制备出一种纳米铜固体润滑涂料;采 杨?云1 ?史?彬2 ?赵世龙1 ?张雪峰1 ?孟?昭 1 Preparation and Properties of Nano?copper Dry Lubrication Coating of Premium Connection for Casing Yang Yun 1 ?Shi Bin 2 ?Zhao Shilong 1 ?Zhang Xuefeng 1 ?Meng Zhao 1 1 College of Materials Science & Technology,Xi an University of Science & Technology,Xi an Shaanxi 710054,China;2 Tianjin Pipe Group Corporation Limited,Tianjin 300301,China)Abstract An anti?friction nano?copper solid lubricant coating was prepared6061铝板 by using the nano?copper suspension with a small amount of PTFE nano?particles as the basic lubricant and some epoxy resin as binder.The friction behavior of the sol?id lubricant with different epoxy contents was measured by using friction testing machine and was compared with normal compound grease. The corrosion resistance of the solid lubricating coating was tested by using a salt spraying tester. The field make?and?break tests were carried